Types Of Bumper Cars Available

Bumper car attractions remain among the most popular rides in any amusement park. They may not have the high-tech appeal of some of the newer rides – but they remain a favorite with both young and old. The question is why – and what type of bumper car is the most suitable match for various types of amusement parks?

Any amusement park owner will be aware that a bumper car attraction (Купить бамперные машинки) keeps patrons coming back for more and encourages foot traffic. Bumper car attractions are anchors. The sound and action draw the crowds – and that means added profit for not only the attraction itself but for concession outlets in the park. A simple cost/benefit analysis will reveal that a bumper car attraction delivers exceptional return on investment – in part to the low cost of ownership.

There’s another attraction to investing in bumper cars – and that is the huge choice of different types of models. There is a bumper car that will suit the unique needs of each amusement park or attraction (продажа парковых аттракционов).

Firstly there are the ‘old school’ electric net bumper cars. These are the bumper cars that most people think of when they are picturing a traditional bumper car attraction. However, they are actually available in two different variants. The first gets its power from a ceiling grid and the second from a ground-based grid that supplies power via a paved conductive plate. They are available in a variety of styles, colors and designs manufactured from glass fiber reinforced plastic and one-step molding.

Another popular choice with amusement park owners is battery-powered bumper cars. Battery technology has advanced in leaps and bounds in recent years, meaning that these bumper cars now offer extended periods of operation prior to requiring recharging. These types of bumper cars are especially attractive due to the fact that they do not require any special surface to operate. They are ideal for those who are managing traveling amusement parks – or for use in places like malls. They are also tough and low-maintenance.

Air cushion bumper cars (купить аттракционы для бизнеса) are also tremendously popular. They offer great value for money and they do not rely on an electric grid for power due to the fact that they are battery-powered. there are also easily portable and simple to set up. They are a perfect choice for the entrepreneur who wants to be able to offer malls and other venues an attraction that will increase foot traffic and require no capital investment. the mall outsources to an operator and provides value-added service to parents with kids who need stimulation and a healthy dose of fun in order to make a shopping experience less stressful. They are safe, fun and are available in a variety of sizes and finishes.

The sheer choice of bumper cars that are today available makes them the ideal choice for both small and large-scale operators. Bumper cars remain a favorite attraction for both young and old and are the perfect way for a family to enjoy each other’s company. They attract large numbers of patrons and are excellent value for money. Quite simply, they offer a superior return on investment.